
Borrowed from french finances going back to middle french monetary resources revenue in singular money resource from finer to pay by way of settlement make a payment derivative of fin final agreement payment fine entry 3 ance ance.
Finances. Business and pay the government a very substantial portion of the deal. Basically finance represents money management and the process of acquiring needed funds. Finance is a term for matters regarding the management creation and study of money and investments. President trump threatened to shutdown tiktok on september 15th unless a u s.
Finances assets in the form of money cash in hand funds monetary resource pecuniary resource assets anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company. Finance also encompasses the oversight creation and study of money banking credit investments assets. Latest investing news and finance headlines straight from wall street. Finances definition the management of revenues.
Monitor the market with google finance. At yahoo finance you get free stock quotes up to date news portfolio management resources international market data social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life. Specifically it deals with the questions of how and why an individual company or government acquires the money needed called capital in the company context and how they spend or invest that money. The conduct or transaction of money matters generally especially those affecting the public as in the fields of banking and investment.
Finance is a term for matters regarding the management creation and study of money and investments.