Melia Dubia Plant In Marathi

Kirit modi march 06 2020 malabar neem whose scientific name is melia dubia is a tropical plant.
Melia dubia plant in marathi. It is present in moist deciduous evergreen and semi evergreen forests. We can supply it to any destination in india. Per acre we can plantation 430 500 plants it depend the land. Get latest info on melia dubia plants suppliers wholesale suppliers retailers traders with melia dubia plants prices for buying.
Find here details of companies selling melia dubia plants in coimbatore tamil nadu. Comparing to other forestry plants malabar neem meliadubia dubai is better for plantation because it s very fast growing. Meliadubiaplantingdistance how many meliadubiaplants per acre we need to plant and cultivate. Melia dubia malabar neem is a promising tree highly suitable for farm forestry and agro forestry for generating higher income in the semi arid regions.
Suggested distance plant to plant is 12ft 12ft or 15ft 15ft 12ft 12ft plants per acre 302 15ft. We have supplied the saplings in ap gujrath and karnataka. Find here details of companies selling melia dubia plants for your purchase requirements. Planting melia dubia during mansoon is the best as the growth is maximum during this period.
We have planted melia dubia in our farm. Hebbevu or kaadu bevu is a tree in the family meliaceae. Agro forestry is a sustainable land. It is distributed all throughout india with the exception of jammu kashmir himachal pradesh sikkim the malay peninsula and tropical asia.
We have good quality seed germinated melia dubia saplings with us in mysore district karnataka state.